An agreement with the University of Warmia and Mazury signed!

On October 19, 2023, the director of the Polish Association for Security – Jarosław Tokarczyk and the rector of the University of Warmia and Mazury – Assoc. Prof. Jerzy Przyborowski, PhD signed a bilateral agreement. Its content includes joint projects, training and programs on broadly understood security. According to a note published on the UWM website, the Association offers an e-learning platform and solutions that can be used by students and employees of the UWM academic community, training and lectures by experts cooperating with, among others, NATO. Members of the Association hope primarily for cooperation with the Department of Criminology and Forensic Science and internal security study direction. They perceive the University of Warmia and Mazury as a suitable partner for the exchange of knowledge and ideas, especially since one of their main missions is education. The note added that the Polish Association for Security was established in 2001. The impetus for its establishment were kidnappings for ransom, which were very common at that time. As the years passed and the times changed, the Association began to deal with education and prevention regarding, among others: cybersecurity and terrorism. Its aim is to popularize the idea and activities to increase broadly understood safety through prevention, education, support for business protection, social activities and cooperation with public institutions and organizations in this area.