An open-source solution – IACUBUS is a mobile app inspired by the ILIAS Pegasus project. The application is compatible with Android or iOS systems. It aims to integrate all functions of the LMS ILIAS and more! The application, as the product developed by the NATO DEEP eAcademy IT team in cooperation with the Polish Association for Security, will let the participants access and read content offline, as well as to automatically synchronise files, folders, and courses on the smartphone! The key features are as follows: providing access to files, folders, courses, and groups while offline, (2) automatic synchronisation, when new materials are uploaded, (3) “WLAN-only” mode: automatic download only in WLAN (WiFi) to save data volume, (4) maximum quota can be set to save your storage space on your smartphone. IACUBUS will be officially launched in May and availbale to download from App Store and Google Play at no costs. Currently, the interfaces will be availbale in English, Ukrainian, Arabic and Polish languagess, while the option to add more languages is possible, as demad based.