The Association launched the book on generative AI – in the Ukrainian language!

We are thrilled to announce that the book “Engines of Engagement: A Curious Book about Generative AI” by Julian Stodd, Sae Schatz, and Geoff Stead has been adapted into Ukrainian, based on the respective permissions received by the publisher. This book, by the Polish Association for Security in cooperation with NATO DEEP eAcademy, and supported by the Norwegian Defence University College, is now accessible to a broader audience. The monograph is available, as a PDF file,  on the Ukrainian eLearning Portal (UKReLP) – the dedicated area of the NATO DEEP ADL Portal, and via the IACUBUS application, which lets the access and read the content offline (one of the interfaces is in the Ukrainian language). The book will be added to the Central Repository of Resources of the Armed Forces of the Ukraine Distance Learning System.