Association will co-found “Athena Award”

The annual Editorial Board Meeting of the Quarterly Academic Journal Connections was held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, on July 29–30, 2024. Journal is the official academic publication of the Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes, which brings together faculty members and researchers from NATO and partner countries in North America, Europe and Asia, and is open to authors beyond the Consortium. It facilitates dialogue, exchange of knowledge and experience, and dissemination of good academic practices. “Connections” is an open-access journal covering security, defence, armed forces, war and conflict, terrorism, transborder and organized crime, intelligence, cybersecurity, and emerging security challenges. A list of priority themes is defined annually by the journal’s Editorial Board. The journal is published in English and then translated and published in Russian, thus increasing its coverage and impact. Within the agenda of the meeting, the point – “Athena Award – Award Presentation at PfPC Conference 2025” was also discussed. As agreed, the award (statuette and 3D diploma) will be jointly funded by the NATO DEEP eAcademy and the Polish Association for Security.

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