A meeting of the representatives of the Polish Security Association with prof. UWM dr hab. Piotr Gawliczek, Director of our partner NATO DEEP eAcademy, was held at the Przystań Restaurant. Areas of common interest and strategic directions for future cooperation were confirmed. We were recognised as an official NATO DEEP eAcademy partner.

The meeting was also attended by special guests of the NATO DEEP eAcademy:
Prof. Vasyl Osodlo – Director of the Institute of Humanities of the National Defence University of Ukraine
from Kiev,
Oleksandr Shapran – research and teaching staff member at the Centre for Remote Learning of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,
Vitalii Kominko – research and teaching staff member at the Centre for Remote Learning of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
We discussed the situation in Ukraine and the impact of the conflict on Poland in terms of security in the broadest sense.
